This qualification covers the fundamentals of safeguarding in order to protect the health, well-being and human rights of the people. It also covers dilemmas when working in adult health and social care.

This qualification covers the fundamentals of safeguarding in order to protect the health, well-being and human rights of the people. It also covers dilemmas when working in adult health and social care.
The safe moving and handling people training course aims to help reduce the risk on injury to both staff members and service users when performing people moving and handling technique as well as highlighting bad practice and condemned moves
The care planning course aims to increase understanding of the importance of care planning, their implementation and how to review them. You will gain knowledge and understanding that will allow you work alongside other professionals and make initial assessments to meet the needs of the individual.
The basic life support training course aims to teach staff basic knowledge of first aid, covering CPR, recovery position, bleeding, choking and shock. This course will allow staff to confidently respond to minor accidents and incidents within the workplace.
The course covers the knowledge and skills needed to deliver the highest quality care to people nearing the end of their lives. You will learn a wide range of topics including advance care planning, social care, communication and symptom management.
This training takes a close look at the most common cause of workplace fires and how to prevent them. It covers the correct firefighting equipment to use and fire safety and evacuation procedures.
The course will help you understand more about the importance of good food preparation. You’ll learn about safety and cooking practices such as keeping yourself and your work area clean and hygienic. How food becomes contaminated and steps to reduce this. You will also learn how food-borne, pest and physical contamination pose serious health risks and the controls to reduce these risks.
This training summaries health and safety, welfare and environmental issues. You will gain knowledge on how to identify individual responsibilities for yourself and that of others. You will gain an understanding of the employer’s duties and how to respond to health and safety risks
The Infection control training aims to help reduce the risk of spreading disease and infection in a care environment. You will learn how to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and how cross infection and contamination can be controlled.
This course is ideal for staff in the care environment, working with people who have dementia. Learners will gain a general understanding of dementia, and associated issues. It covers the causes of various types of dementia and how to assist individuals with managing the disease.
This course is for anyone who is responsible for the welfare of children. It examines how learners should adapt and employ basic first aid techniques for a child or baby. The course looks at every medical situation from treating minor cuts and grazes, to performing CPR on an unresponsive infant. There is no practical offered on this course.
The MCA & DoLS course aims to improve knowledge around the Mental Capacity Act (MCA). It covers the background to the MCA and its relationship to DOLS and how those working within the care sector can ensure compliance whilst carrying out their job role
This is an introduction to the practice of Human Resources and how to develop the skills required to become an HR professional. It is designed to equip staff and managers alike with the correct skills, knowledge and HR legislation to work in a modern, more diverse workplace.
This course covers how to handle and solve complaints, whether made over the phone, via email, on social media, or made in person. Learners will gain skills on the need to handle complaints appropriately and resolve it successfully.
The course aims to help learners understand the key principles of valid consent, occasions when consent must be sought and how health and social care staff can include children and young people in the decision-making process using the ‘Gillick competence’ as a guide.
This Autism course examines Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). It covers potential causes of autism and the misconceptions that people have about the causes and the condition. Covering the assessment and gaining of a diagnosis, the course also explores how autism can affect learning and the support given to people with autism. It is ideal for anyone working with people who are autistic.
People with a learning disability are a very diverse group. This course aims to build on learners understanding of what it means to have a learning disability how it is diagnosed. The course also explores how to promote effective communication.
This training provides learners with the knowledge they need to respond appropriately to challenging behaviour. The course teaches learners how to communicate effectively, how to help deal with issues and how to improve behaviour in a confident and constructive manner. The course explains a range of behaviour management techniques.
This course covers the legislation and procedures for the safe administration of medication. Leamers will gain an understanding of types of medication, storage and dispensing, documentation, confidentiality and record keeping, safe administration of medication by reducing and eliminating medication errors, accountability and responsibility and regulating bodies.
This course is designed for anyone working with vulnerable adults and will raise awareness of the importance of safeguarding vulnerable people. Learners completing this course will be in a better position to implement their organisation’s safeguarding policy and the procedures they should follow
Designed to give anyone who works, or has contact, with children, young people and/or their families, this is an introduction into child safeguarding. Learners will gain knowledge on the need to safeguard children and what to do when there are concerns.
The course aims to improve knowledge of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and how these relate to the Mental Capacity Act. Learners will gain knowledge on what deprivation of liberty means; when it can be put in place and the assessments required for it.
For many businesses, being able to offer clear and accurate information, advice or guidance and knowing what can be shared legally and professionally is vital. For delegates providing information, advice or guidance as part of their role, this course can enhance their skills and ensure awareness of the fundamental rules for successful information sharing. The course also covers communication techniques, interpersonal skills and group interactions, as well as how to store and retrieve information in a way that complies with the law.
This qualification helps to develop learners’ understanding of key data legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (DPA). It covers the steps that organisations can take to protect data from common threats to ICT systems, as well as the consequences that failing to protect data can have for individuals and organisations.
This qualification is intended for those who assess both occupational competence in the work environment and vocational skills, knowledge and understanding in environments other than the workplace (for example a workshop, classroom or other training environment).
Aiming to develop learners’ understanding of autism and the principles of supporting individuals on the autistic spectrum, this qualification covers person-centred approaches and the influence of positive communication methods. Learners will gain an understanding of how to support positive behaviour and how individuals with autism can be supported to live healthy and fulfilled lives.
The objective of this qualification is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of autism, including how to adopt a positive approach to supporting individuals on the autistic spectrum. The course covers the current legislative framework relating to individuals with autism and how different theories have developed over time. it examines how to support and manage transitions for individuals with autism and the range of therapeutic interventions and support available for individuals with autism and cooccurring conditions.
Aimed at helping learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of the principles of caring for those with dementia, this qualification covers person-centred care, the influence of positive communication methods, issues relating to the use of medication for those with dementia and the importance of providing appropriate activities.
This qualification aims to develop the knowledge and skills required when providing positive care for people with dementia and their families. Aligned to the National Dementia Strategy, the award covers awareness of the Causes and symptoms of dementia.
This qualification aims to provide learners with an understanding of the different types of diabetes and how they can occur. It covers the awareness of how the onset of Type 2 diabetes can be delayed with lifestyle changes. Learners will explore diabetes diagnosis and initial care and develop an understanding of ongoing care and treatment of diabetes to control blood sugar levels.
To develop the knowledge and skills needed when working with food in health and social care, early years and childcare settings, this qualification covers food safety requirements, contributing to and/or promoting nutrition, hydration and supporting individuals to eat and drink.
This qualification will develop the knowledge and skills needed when working with food in health and social care, early years and childcare settings. It covers principles of healthy eating, dietary requirements and how to prepare food safely.
To develop learners’ understanding of nutrition, healthy eating and weight management, this qualification covers the principles of healthy eating and the nutritional needs of different groups. Learners will gain an understanding of how to plan healthy diets for weight management, eating disorders and the effects both balanced and disordered eating can have on health and wellbeing. Covering what ‘behaviour that challenges’ means, this qualification looks at why some people display these behaviour and the impact they have. Learners , will gain an insight into how to support positive behaviour, the importance of effective communication and how to manage challenging behaviours.
Covering what ‘behaviour that challenges’ means, this qualification looks at why some people display these behaviours and the impact they have. Learners will gain and insight into how to support positive behaviour, the importance of effective communication and hot to manage challenging behaviour.
This qualification covers essential knowledge and skills on how to support individuals with learning disabilities. Topics include: the meaning of learning disability, support, legislation, communication and planning.
This qualification is ideal for people working in a variety of sectors, such as healthcare, social care and education. It covers a range of specific learning difficulties, including ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia.
This qualification builds on the knowledge and skills gained in the Level 2 Award in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities. It covers the nature and characteristics of learning disability, support, legislation, communication and planning.
An excellent introduction to the different types of medicines and how to record, store and handle them appropriately, this qualification covers different types of medication and their use. It also examines how to obtain, store, administer and dispose of medication as well as key legislation and audit processes.
This qualification aims to provide learners with an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the importance of complying with the MCA Code of Practice when working with individuals who lack decision-making capacity.
This qualification covers various mental health conditions including stress, anxiety, phobias, depression, dementia, eating disorders and schizophrenia. Learners will gain knowledge on the signs and symptoms of different mental health conditions and how they can be managed, as well as mental health legislation and guidance.
This qualification covers various mental health conditions including stress, anxiety, phobias, depression, dementia, eating disorders and schizophrenia. Learners will gain knowledge on the signs and symptoms of different mental health conditions and how they can be managed, as well as mental health legislation and guidance.
This qualification covers various mental health conditions including stress, anxiety, phobias, depression, dementia, eating disorders and schizophrenia. Learners will gain knowledge on the signs and symptoms of different mental health conditions and how they can be managed, as well as mental health legislation and guidance.
This qualification aims to give learners the skills to support people with mental health problems. it covers different mental health conditions, the principles of mental health first aid and how this can be implemented in the workplace.
This qualification is designed to increase learners’ awareness of mental health and mental well-being. It covers an in-depth knowledge and understanding of mental health issues.
This qualification covers general awareness of dementia care issues, person-centred approaches, factors that can influence communication and the impact that diversity, equality and inclusion can have on the individual’s experience of dementia.
This qualification develops an understanding of the different perspectives of death and dying, and the impact it has on individuals. It covers the aims and principles of end of life care, communication factors and how to access a range of support services at this time.
Covering how to work in end of life care, this qualification examines the support needed to manage pain and discomfort as well as how dementia impacts on end of life care. Also covered is the role of the care worker and the loss and grief process.
This qualification covers the principles and processes of person-centred thinking, planning and review. It examines how to work with individuals to carry out activities specified in their care or support plan including person-centred assessment, planning, implementation and review.
Aimed at increasing knowledge and understanding of supporting adults living with cancer, this qualification covers diagnosis, treatment, care support, end of life and bereavement care.
This qualification covers the fundamentals of safeguarding in order to protect the health, well-being and human rights of the people. It also covers dilemmas when working in adult health and social care.
This qualification explores how the person-centred approach delivers high levels of personal care. It covers how to support personal hygiene, foot care, oral health, pressure area care and sepsis while maintaining respect for the individual and awareness of the Prevent Duty as well as safeguarding and online safety.
This qualification aims to increase learner’s knowledge and awareness of the Prevent Duty as well as safguarding and online safety
Examining falls and how to prevent them, this course covers the impact and consequences of a fall as well as the risks and hazards which contribute to falls and how to reduce them.
This qualification aims to increase learners counselling skills and how to use them in a counselling relationship. It covers the theory, communication and the ethical framework that informs how counsellors use their skills.
While examining the meaning and importance of infection control, this qualification notes the causes of infections, the conditions in which they thrive and the ways that they can be spread. It also covers methods used to prevent and control the spread of infection.
This qualification aims to increase learners’ understanding of the different issues affecting equality and diversity in society today. It covers the wideranging legislation that is needed to create a workplace centred on fairness, dignity and respect.
This qualification is aimed at learners who wish to develop an understanding of these settings before deciding whether working in sector is for them. It will allow learners to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills required for employment an/or career progression in the sectors.
This covers the importance of delivering person-centred care, safeguarding, treating people with respect and dignity, and promoting health and wellbeing. Learners must demonstrate the competencies and skills needed to support adults requiring care to achieve this qualification.
Aimed at developing the knowledge and skills needed when working in a senior role in adult care environments, this covers several areas including supporting individuals with their physical and emotional care, daily living needs and care procedures. Learners must demonstrate the competencies and skills needed to support adults requiring care to achieve this qualification.
This qualification is designed to equip learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to work in a senior role in an adult care setting. It prepares learners to manage complex situations and to give advice and guidance to customers and service users of different care services. Learners must demonstrate the competencies and skills needed to support adults requiring care to achieve this qualification.
Designed to equip learners with the knowledge and understanding of the principles of leadership and management in an adult care setting, this qualification has been devised to provide learners with a progression pathway towards management roles in the sector.
This qualification is aimed at advanced practitioners in Adult Care. lt provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to manage practice and lead others. It serves as the required qualification for registration and regulatory requirements in the sector where appropriate. Learners will be required to undertake a research project.
This qualification provides an opportunity to study a range of topics from three main areas: child care and education, babysitting and parenting responsibilities. It covers protecting children, preventing accidents, fire safety, parenting skills and healthy lifestyles.
This qualification covers supporting children and young people’s mental health and emotional well-being. Issues facing children and young people include depression, anxiety, conduct disorder, factors that affect their mental health and the impact these have on them and their lives.
This qualification prepares learners to become Early Years Educators, enabling them to work with children from birth to 5 years and gain knowledge of children aged 5 to 7 years.
The Care Certificate is an agreed set of standards that define the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of specific job roles in the health and social care sectors. It’s made up of the 15 minimum standards that should be covered if you are ‘new to care’ and should form part of a robust induction programme
This course is fully accredited and is accepted by Universities and Higher Education establishments as a GCSE Grade
4 (C) Equivalent. This course is completed on our online learning system course and only takes 4 – 12 weeks to complete.
This course is fully accredited and is accepted by Universities and Higher Education establishments as a GCSE Grade
4 (C) Equivalent. This course is completed on our online learning system course and only takes 4 – 12 weeks to complete.
The aim of this qualification is to allow learners to develop knowledge and understanding and skills to lead a team of internal quality assurance staff.
Off-the-job training is a mandatory part of all Apprenticeship programmes. It requires commitment from both the employer and the apprentice. Apprentices must spend at least 20% of their employed time (excluding overtime) on off-the-job training. This can be structured flexibly – for example, as part of each day, one day per week, one week out of five, or as a block release. It really doesn’t matter how you structure it, so long as the apprentice achieves the total 20% requirement
Review meetings are a mandatory requirement of the apprenticeships. This is tripartite meeting between the Main Tutor, Employer and Apprentice. Review meetings are held 6 weeks from the start date, then every 12 weeks thereafter.